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{floramy.htm, 2014-02-12, Malaysia flora, 馬來西亞植物, Ma lai xi ya zhi wu, Malaysia flora}, floramy.htm, (Google webpage search, 谷歌網頁搜索), Malaysia plant photo, 馬來西亞植物照片
{floramy.htm, 2014-02-12, Malaysia flora, 馬來西亞植物, Ma lai xi ya zhi wu, Malaysia flora}
{Webpage, 網頁, floramy.htm, 2020-06-26, Malaysia flora, 馬來西亞植物, Ma lai xi ya zhi wu, Malaysia flora}
piaoyao.htm, 2008-07-31, Malaysia flora, 馬來西亞植物, (飄搖)
muein.htm 2007-07-15 Malaysia flora, 馬來西亞植物, Ma lai xi ya zhi wu, Malaysia flora(muein)
08030301.htm Piper betle, Betel, 荖葉, Lao ye, Sirih
08022501.htm Rhinacanthus nasutus, Dainty spurs, 白鶴靈芝, Bai he ling zhi, Ubat kurap
08022401.htm Wrightia religiosa, Water jasmine, 水梅, Shui mei, Anting putri
07071501.htm Synsepalum dulcificum, Miracle fruit, 神秘果, Shen mi guo, Pokok ajaib
07063001.htm Strobilanthes crispus, Black face general, 黑面將軍, Hei mian jiang jun, Kejibeling
07062601.htm Elephantopus scaber, Elephants foot, 地膽草, Di dan cao, Tapak liman
07062501.htm Vitex trifolia, Arabian lilac, 蔓荊子, Man jing zi, Legundi
07062401.htm Jasminum sambac, Jasmine, 茉莉, Mo li, Melati
07061701.htm Duchesnea indica, Indian mock strawberry, 蛇莓, She mei, Arbenan
07051801.htm Conyza sumatrensis, Fleabane, 野茼蒿, Ye tong hao, Jabung
07051701.htm Tagetes erecta, Marigold, 萬壽菊, Wang shou ju, Kenikir
07051601.htm Lagerstroemia indica, Crape myrtle, 紫薇, Zi wei, Bungur
07051501.htm Portulaca oleracea, Purslane, 馬齒莧, Ma chi xian, Gelang
07051302.htm Chrysothemis pulchella, Black flamingo, 金紅花, Jin hong hua, Krisotemis
07051301.htm Cosmos caudatus, Wild cosmos, 野波斯菊, Ye bo si ju, Ulam raja
07051201.htm Vernonia cinerea, Little ironweed, 一枝香, Yi zhi xiang, Rumput ekor kuda
07051101.htm Nymphoides indica, Water snowflake, 印度莕菜, Yin du xing cai, Telipuk
07050901.htm Abelmoschus esculentus, Okra, 秋葵, Qiu kui, Kacang bendi
07050701.htm Citrus aurantifolia, Lime, 黎檬, Li meng, Jeruk nipis
07050601.htm Ixora williamsii, Dwarf ixora, 仙丹, Xian dan, Flora
07050503.htm Punica granatum, Pomegranate, 石榴, Shi liu, Delima
07050502.htm Oncidium varicosum, Dancing lady orchid, 文心蘭, Wen xin lan, Flora
07050501.htm Cuphea hyssopifolia, Mexican heather, 細葉雪茄花, Xi ye xue qie hua, Taiwan beauty
07050402.htm Hippobroma longiflora, Star of bethlehem, 馬醉草, Ma zui cao, Flora
07050401.htm Peristrophe roxburghiana, Magenta plant, 紅絲線, Hong si xian, Flora
07050301.htm Zephyranthes rosea, 花韭, Hua jiu, Bunga zephyr merah
07050102.htm Clerodendrum calamitosum, White butterfly, 化石樹, Hua shi shu, Kembang bugang
07043003.htm Aloe vera, Aloe, 蘆薈, Lu hui, Lidah buaya
07043002.htm Pedilanthus tithymaloides, Redbird cactus, 紅雀珊瑚, Hong que shan hu, Pokok lipan
07043001.htm Hibiscus mutabilis, Cotton rose, 木芙蓉, Mu fu rong, Bunga rotan
07042901.htm Polygonum chinense, Smartweed, 火炭母, Huo tan mu, Aseman
07042701.htm Bougainvillea spectabilis, Bougainvillea, 九重葛, Jiu chong ge, Bunga kertas
07042601.htm Jatropha podagrica, Physic nut, 佛肚樹, Fo du shu, Jarak
07042201.htm Euphorbia milii, Crown of thorns, 麒麟花, Qi lin hua, Sesudu
07042102.htm Cymbopogon citratus, Lemongrass, 香茅, Xiang mao, Serai
07042101.htm Rhoeo discolor, Oyster plant, 蚌花, Bang hua, Nanas kerang
07042003.htm Cassia occidentalis, Coffee senna, 望江南, Wang jiang nan, Menting
07040501.htm Plantago major, Plantain, 車前草, Che qian cao, Daun sendok
07040103.htm Pereskia corrugata, Rose cactus, 玫瑰麒麟, Mei gui qi lin, Jarum tujuh bilah
07040101.htm Pereskia grandifolia, Rose cactus, 木麒麟, Mu qi lin, Jarum tujuh bilah
07011001.htm Chromolaena odorata, Siam weed, 飛機草, Fei ji cao, Rumput belalang
07010601.htm Ocimum sanctum, Holy basil, 羅勒, Luo le, Kemangi
07010504.htm Ocimum basilicum, Basil, 九層塔, Jiu ceng ta, Kemangi
07010502.htm Pandanus amaryllifolius, Fragrant pandan, 香蘭, Xiang lan, Pandan wangi
07010301.htm Crassocephalum crepidioides, Fireweed, 昭和草, Zhao he cao, Sintrong
07010202.htm Andrographis paniculata, King of bitters, 穿心蓮, Chuan xin lian, Sambiloto
07010102.htm Orthosiphon aristatus, Java tea, 貓鬚草, Mao xu cao, Misai kucing
06122401.htm Syzygium samarangense, Wax apple, 蓮霧, Lian wu, Jambu air
06122301.htm Physalis angulata, Cutleaf groundcherry, 燈籠草, Deng long cao, Ciplukan
06121701.htm Eryngium foetidum, Long coriander, 刺芫荽, Ci yuan sui, Ketumbar jawa
06121601.htm Alternanthera sessilis, Joyweed, 蓮子草, Lian zi cao, Kremah
06121503.htm Ipomoea quamoclit, Cypress vine, 蔦蘿, Niao luo, Songgo langit
06121201.htm Emblica officinalis, Amla, 余甘子, Yu gan zi, Kemloko
06121103.htm Stachytarpheta jamaicensis, Blue porterweed, 長穗木, Chang hui mu, Rumput tahi babi
06121101.htm Ginkgo biloba, Maidenhair tree, 銀杏, Yin xing, Ginkgo
06120801.htm Clinacanthus nutans, Snake plant, 鰐嘴花, E zui hua, Gendis
06111802.htm Abrus precatorius, Rosary pea, 相思子, Xiang si zi, Akar saga
06111801.htm Monochoria vaginalis, Pickerel weed, 鴨舌草, Ya she cao, Keladi agas
{Webpage, 網頁, floramy.htm, 2020-06-26, Malaysia flora, 馬來西亞植物, Ma lai xi ya zhi wu, Malaysia flora}, 2010-09-01, Validate this web page with HTML 4.01 strict.dtd for conformance to W3C Recommendations and other standards.