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{06122301.htm, 2006-12-23, Physalis angulata, Cutleaf groundcherry, 燈籠草, Deng long cao, Ciplukan}, 06122301.htm, (Google webpage search, 谷歌網頁搜索), 06122301.htm, (Google image search, 谷歌圖片搜索), Share on Facebook, 分享在臉書, Malaysia flora, 馬來西亞植物, Ma lai xi ya zhi wu, Malaysia flora

Scientific name: Physalis angulata(40,200), Physalis lanceifolia(286), Physalis pendula(116), Physalis capsicifolia(63), Physalis esquirolii(30), Physalis ramosissima(28)

English name: Cutleaf groundcherry(1,420), Mullaca(580), Winter cherry(456), Wild tomato(349), Cape gooseberry(336), Cutleaf ground-cherry(194), Hog weed(18), Annual ground berry(8), Cut-leaf ground berry(5), Lance-leaf ground berry(4)

Chinese name: 燈籠草, Deng long cao(3,050), 苦蘵, Ku zhi(254), 炮仔草, Pao zai cao(76), 燈籠果, Deng long guo(63), 燈籠酸醬, Deng long suan jiang(18), 苦蘵草, Ku zhi cao(8), 登郎草, Deng lang cao(7)

Malay name: Ciplukan(28)

{06122301.htm, 2006-12-23, Physalis angulata, Cutleaf groundcherry, 燈籠草, Deng long cao, Ciplukan}

{Photo link, 照片鏈接, 06122301.htm, 2006-12-23, Physalis angulata, Cutleaf groundcherry, 燈籠草, Deng long cao, Ciplukan}, (Google thumbnail, 谷歌縮圖) Physalis angulata Physalis angulata Physalis angulata

{Photo link, 照片鏈接, 06122301.htm, 2006-12-23, Physalis angulata, Cutleaf groundcherry, 燈籠草, Deng long cao, Ciplukan}

{Article, 文章, 06122301.htm, 2006-12-23, Physalis angulata, Cutleaf groundcherry, 燈籠草, Deng long cao, Ciplukan}, (nswong, 06122301.htm) Physalis angulata
Comparison of groundcherries (Physalis spp): berries enclosed in papery husks
Physalis lanceifolia=Physalis angulata
flower color: evenly yellow, sometimes green-tinged
berry husks: +/- 10-angled or rounded Physalis angulata
毛酸漿(Physalis pubescens):英文俗名 為地櫻桃(Ground cherry),台灣也 引入栽培利用,目前形 成野生狀態,果實只 有10~15公厘寬,可周年 開花結果,與苦蘵(Physalis angulata) 的主要差異為宿存萼為 5稜,而苦蘵宿存萼為10稜 ,此外,苦蘵的莖光滑 無毛,而毛酸漿顧名思 義當然具有明顯的細毛。
最近幾年,苦蘵在世界 各國的藥用研究相當多 ,如國立台灣大學藥學 研究所便研究苦蘵成分 抗腫瘤活性,發現對5種 人類腫瘤細胞株如肝癌 、鼻咽癌、子宮頸癌、 大腸癌及肺癌均有細胞 毒性的反應。苦蘵在台 灣山區與民間草葯上, 常被利用為青草茶,全 草具有清熱、利尿及祛 風、止痛、鎮咳、行血 、調經及解毒之效。
根據神巫製藥公司統計 ,世界共有15國家與地區 使用苦蘵(表一),而其對 人體免疫功能的加強已 被證實,但有許多民俗 療法的藥用效果在臨床 上並未獲得支持。
苦蘵抗菌效果也極為有 效,如巴西一個研究團 隊便在2000年的植物醫藥期 刊(Phytomedicine)發表苦蘵的萃出 物對愛滋病人常感染之 肺結核菌有顯著的抗病 性,
苦蘵的果實也是可以食 用的,不過有趣的是, 世界各國的文獻記載均 是兒童採食,似乎成人 對此果實沒有多大的興 趣,此可能酸漿果實外 圍的宿存萼提供兒童的 興趣,拍打宿存萼產生 聲音,順道將果實食用 。本場於2000年開始收集酸 漿類作物,其實苦蘵的 風味也不遜於秘魯酸漿 ,秘魯酸漿糖度極高可 達18度,而苦蘵糖度可達 13度,而粘果酸漿糖度只 有8度左右,因此苦蘵的 食用品質也算數一數二。
表一、苦蘵於民俗醫療 之利用情形
中 國: 利尿劑、袪痰劑、 退燒、助產
日 本: 解毒、感冒、利尿 、退燒、消腫、喉嚨痛
泰 國: 癤、直腸
台 灣: 退熱、利尿、肝炎 、肝病、腫瘤
其他地區: 防流產、抗炎 、防腐、治氣喘、助產 、糖尿病、痢疾、止血 、產後出血、麻醉劑、 眼炎、睪丸腫瘤、昏睡病 Physalis angulata
Scientific Name: Physalis angulata
The fruit is enclosed in the outer layer. This outer layer (calyx) grows around and encloses the fruit and becomes 10-angled or ribbed, 20-35 mm long and from 15-25 mm wide; it is borne on a stalk 1-4 cm long. Physalis angulata
Main Actions (in order):
antibacterial, antimycoplasmal, anticancerous, immunomodulator, antiviral
Main Uses:
for bacterial infections of all kinds
for cancer and leukemia
for Mycoplasma and mycobacteria infections
for skin diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis, skin infections, rosaceae, scleroderma, etc.)
for viral infections of all kinds
Properties/Actions Documented by Research:
antibacterial, anticancerous, anticoagulant (blood thinner), antileukemic, antimycobacterial, antispasmodic, antitumorous, antiviral, hypoglycemic, hypotensive (lowers blood pressure), immunomodulator (modulates some overactive immune cells), immunostimulant
Other Properties/Actions Documented by Traditional Use:
analgesic (pain-reliever), anti-inflammatory, anti-asthmatic, antihemorrhagic (reduces bleeding), antiseptic, blood cleanser, disinfectant, diuretic, expectorant, febrifuge (reduces fever), hepatotonic (tones, balances, strengthens the liver), sedative, vermifuge (expels worms)
Cautions: It may thin the blood and lower blood pressure
Contraindications: One animal study indicates this plant may lower blood pressure and one test tube study demonstrated a blood anticoagulant activity. People with blood disorders such as hemophilia, those taking heart medications or blood thinners, or those with other heart problems such as low blood pressure should not use this plant without supervision and advice of a qualified health care practitioner.
Japan: for colds, fever, strep throat, swelling, urinary insufficiency
Taiwan: for cancer, fever, hepatitis, liver disease, tumors, urinary insufficiency
Elsewhere: for asthma, bacterial infections, boils, cancer, childbirth, dermatosis, diabetes, diarrhea, diuretic, edema, expectorant, eye infections, fainting, fevers, hemostatic, hemorrhage (postpartum), infertility, inflammation, leukemia, malaria, nausea, pain, tumor (testicle), skin disease, sleeping sickness, stomach problems and as an antiseptic Physalis angulata
The yellow-orange fruits are borne inside a balloon-like calix, and can be eaten.

{Article, 文章, 06122301.htm, 2006-12-23, Physalis angulata, Cutleaf groundcherry, 燈籠草, Deng long cao, Ciplukan}

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