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{07061701.htm, 2007-06-17, Duchesnea indica, Indian mock strawberry, 蛇莓, She mei, Arbenan}, 07061701.htm, (Google webpage search, 谷歌網頁搜索), 07061701.htm, (Google image search, 谷歌圖片搜索), Share on Facebook, 分享在臉書, Malaysia flora, 馬來西亞植物, Ma lai xi ya zhi wu, Malaysia flora

Scientific name: Duchesnea indica(36,900), Potentilla indica(681), Fragaria indica(514), Duchesnia indica(204), Duchesnea fragiformis(53), Duchesnea fragarioides(31), Duchesnea indic(4)

English name: Indian mock strawberry(402), Snake strawberry(6), Snake mockstrawberry(5)

Chinese name: 蛇莓, She mei(1,860), 龍吐珠, Long tu zhu(143), 蛇泡草, She pao cao(118), 三匹風, San pi feng(107), 地楊梅, Di yang mei(93), 三爪龍, San zhao long(88), 地莓, Di mei(41), 三爪風, San zhao feng(39), 台灣蛇莓, Tai wan she mei(37), 蛇果草, She guo cao(35), 寶珠草, Bao zhu cao(34), 紅頂果, Hong ding guo(34), 蛇波, She bo(33), 三葉莓, San ye mei(32), 蛇盤草, She pan cao(30), 雞冠果, Ji guan guo(26), 三腳虎, San jiao hu(21), 蛇婆, She po(18), 蛇蛋果, , She dan guo(11), 疔瘡藥, Ding chuang yao(9), 龍吐球, Long tu qiu(6)

Malay name: Arbenan(10)

{07061701.htm, 2007-06-17, Duchesnea indica, Indian mock strawberry, 蛇莓, She mei, Arbenan}

{Photo link, 照片鏈接, 07061701.htm, 2007-06-17, Duchesnea indica, Indian mock strawberry, 蛇莓, She mei, Arbenan}, (Google thumbnail, 谷歌縮圖)

Photograph, 照片, Zhao pian, Gambar foto:
07061703.jpg Duchesnea indica
07061701.jpg Duchesnea indica Duchesnea indica

{Photo link, 照片鏈接, 07061701.htm, 2007-06-17, Duchesnea indica, Indian mock strawberry, 蛇莓, She mei, Arbenan}

{Article, 文章, 07061701.htm, 2007-06-17, Duchesnea indica, Indian mock strawberry, 蛇莓, She mei, Arbenan}, (nswong, 07061701.htm) Duchesnea indica
果:蛇苺的果實雖然很 小,但和草莓,懸鉤子一 樣,都是可以生吃的, 味道酸甜而柔脆。 Duchesnea indica
蛇莓果實可以食用,全 株可入藥,可用於止血 ,解熱及除毒,對疔瘡 及胃病更有特殊藥效, 另外在婦科疾患中,也 常廣泛應用,是中藥上 的寵兒。
多年生草本。俗稱「蛇 波」,全草內服有活血 散淤,收斂止血的功效, 是青草茶主要原料。外 用能治疔瘡,蛇蟲咬傷。 聚合果似小型草莓,可 以生食。
甘,酸,寒。有小毒。清 熱解毒,散瘀消腫。
感冒發熱,咳嗽,小兒 高熱驚風,咽喉腫痛, 白喉,黃疸型肝炎,細 菌性痢疾,阿米巴痢疾 ,月經過多;外用治腮 腺炎,毒蛇咬傷,眼結 膜炎,疔瘡腫毒,帶狀 疱疹,濕疹。亦可試治 癌症
用量9~30克;外用適量, 鮮品搗爛外敷。並可用 於殺滅子孓及蠅蛆。
1. 白喉:
鮮蛇莓(全草)用冷水洗淨 ,搗爛成泥狀,加兩倍 重量的冷開水浸泡4~6小 時,過濾,即成50%浸劑, 可加入白糖調味。每日 服4次,3歲以下,首次50毫 升,以後20~30毫升;3~5歲 ,首次80毫升,以後40~50毫 升;6~10歲,首次100毫升, 以後60毫升;10歲以上,首 次150毫升,以後100毫升。
2. 急性細菌性痢疾:
鮮蛇莓(全草)60~120克,水 煎服。
3. 殺滅子孓:
用5%蛇莓全草浸液,殺滅 子孓,48小時即可生效。
蛇莓的果實雖然細小, 比起草莓或懸鉤子類要 差上一截,但它同樣可 以生吃,只是味道差些 , Duchesnea indica
特徵:花呈黃色,果實 如同草莓,但是較小些 。野外的品嚐起來多汁 且甜美。
用途:醫藥價值上,全 草可以止血,解熱以及 除毒,尤其對胃病更有 特殊藥效,更可以當作 庭園中的飾品。 Duchesnea indica
The fruit is about 10mm in diameter with the appearance and texture of a strawberry but very little flavour
The whole plant is anticoagulant, antiseptic, depurative and febrifuge[147, 178]. It can be used in decoction or the fresh leaves can be crushed and applied externally as a poultice[147]. It is used in the treatment of boils and abscesses, weeping eczema, ringworm, stomatitis, laryngitis, acute tonsillitis, snake and insect bites and traumatic injuries[147].
A decoction of the leaves is used in the treatment of swellings[147, 178, 218].
An infusion of the flowers is used to activate the blood circulation[218].
The fruit is used to cure skin diseases[218].
A decoction of the plant is used as a poultice for abscesses, boils, burns etc[218]. Duchesnea indica
The very attractive bumply soft round strawberry-like fruit is edible though nearly flavorless. These vines just don't know how to stop producing fruit! The continuous presence of yellow blooms and round red strawberries is quite striking. Though the berries are more decorative than tasty, I'll pop one in my mouth from time to time, and sometimes the birds eat them.

{Article, 文章, 07061701.htm, 2007-06-17, Duchesnea indica, Indian mock strawberry, 蛇莓, She mei, Arbenan}

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