, nswong personal website, nswong 個人網站, nswong, (Google webpage search, 谷歌網頁搜索), nswong, (Google image search, 谷歌圖片搜索), Welcome to reprint, 歡迎轉載

{plant_gilahoya.htm, 2013-07-09, Plantae, Plant kingdom, 植物界, (gilahoya)}

This webpage already obsolete, please do Google search for latest edition.
这网页已经过时, 请用 谷歌 搜索最新版本., Plant photo, 植物照片, (gilahoya)

It take more than one week for new webpage to appear in Google search index files.
新网页通常需要超过一星期以上的时间才会收录在 谷歌 的 索引文件 里.
If you can't found new version with Google search by now, please follow the link below to the next edition of this webpage:
如果目前还不能用 谷歌 搜索到最新版本, 请用以下的下一版本链接:
plant_photo_gilahoya.htm, Plant photo, 植物照片, (gilahoya)

When no more webpages are links to this webpage, this webpage will be remove.
當不再有網頁連接來這網頁之後, 這網頁將會被刪除., 2013-07-09, Plantae, Plant kingdom, 植物界, (gilahoya), Obsolete, 过时

{plant_gilahoya.htm, 2013-07-09, Plantae, Plant kingdom, 植物界, (gilahoya)}

valid-html401.gif, 2010-09-01, Valid HTML 4.01 Strict, 2010-09-01, Validate this web page with HTML 4.01 strict.dtd for conformance to W3C Recommendations and other standards.