,, nswong personal website, nswong 個人網站, nswong personal website, nswong 個人網站, (Google webpage search, 谷歌網頁搜索), nswong personal website, nswong 個人網站, (Google image search, 谷歌圖片搜索)

{nswong_facebook.htm, 2014-03-11, nswong facebook, nswong 臉書}, nswong facebook, nswong 臉書, (Google webpage search, 谷歌網頁搜索), nswong personal website, nswong 個人網站, facebook, 臉書, (nswong), nswong facebook, nswong 臉書, nswong facebook, nswong 臉書

{nswong_facebook.htm, 2014-03-11, nswong facebook, nswong 臉書}

{Article, 文章, nswong_facebook.htm, 2015-03-07, nswong facebook, nswong 臉書}

[2015-03-07, 根據星辰移動的方向, 在夜間辨別方向]

北方, 北極星不動.
北方, 星辰從右向左弧形移動.
南方, 星辰從左向右弧形移動.
東方, 星辰向上移動.
西方, 星辰向下移動.
東南方, 星辰向右上移動.
西南方, 星辰向右下移動.
東北方, 星辰向左上移動.
西北方, 星辰向左下移動.

[2015-03-07, 根據星辰移動的方向, 在夜間辨別方向]

[2015-01-18, 根部不能继续发展, 老根过多, 新根过少, 就需要修根換土, (nswong)]

树身小, 结太多果实会使到树身慢长大, 甚至使到果树虚弱, 容易遭到病虫害.
我的建议是疏果, 每一结果枝, 只留一粒果实.

"不如砍了它, 在它的四周把土挖鬆鬆, 大约挖三一尺深, 先放一尺半的土, 才种回一棵"
掘出来, 修根, 掘一个 3 英尺阔 和 3 英尺深的洞, 洞里添回种植土, 然后把树种回去.
可能的话, 洞要掘到见到地下水, 如此一来, 雨天不会烂根, 旱天不会枯死.
如果掘洞不到 3 英尺深, 已经见到地下水, 泥土就要填高, 使到泥土表面至地下水有 3 英尺以上.

"居家旁最好不要种红毛丹树, 它的根大后, 地面有问题很头痛."
把井圈埋进土里, 红毛丹树种在井圈中, 就不会有大问题.
井圈用大井圈, 叠两层以上, 井圈埋进土里 3 英尺以上, 红毛丹树的根部就不会对建筑物造成破坏.

简单来说, 修根換土是因为:
根部不能继续发展, 老根过多, 新根过少.

什麽是修根換土?, (王朝網路)

盆栽果樹生長幾年後, 根系老化, 密集擁擠, 爲了保持果樹的旺盛生長, 應每隔1-2年結合換盆進行修根, 做到不斷更新.修根的具體方法:第一步是清理土球, 即用竹片輕輕剔除周圍舊盆土, 去掉總盆土量的1/2-2/3.第二步是剪根, 如發現根系已沿盆壁卷曲, 可剪短一些.若根系部分剪口越小越好.最後, 換上新的培養土, 栽植于原盆或較大的新盆中.

[2015-01-18, 根部不能继续发展, 老根过多, 新根过少, 就需要修根換土, (nswong)]

[2015-01-18, 上流地区没有森林, 下流地区就容易遭遇水灾和旱灾, (nswong)]

森林在继续锐减, 山在变秃, 水土在流失, 草原在缩小, 沙漠在扩大, 泥石流在滑坡, 洪水不断爆发, 江河越来越混浊, 湖泊被泥沙淤积, 水灾和旱灾交替发生, (Yale university, 耶鲁大学)

Remember last time I told you?
Due to the changed of watershed and waterway, a place never flood before, now flood, will flood again.
Nowadays, changed of watershed and waterway are mostly due by development.

森林在雨季时会蓄水, 避免下流水灾.
森林在旱季时会放水, 避免下流旱灾.
上流地区没有森林, 下流地区就容易遭遇水灾和旱灾.

[2015-01-18, 上流地区没有森林, 下流地区就容易遭遇水灾和旱灾, (nswong)]

[2014-03-13, 我建议求證之后, 分享出去, 让事实淹没谣言, (nswong)]

我建议求證之后, 分享出去.

别人说我们多管闲事, 让他们去说.
有一天他们需要多管闲事的人帮忙时, 我们劝阻多管闲事的人去帮他们.

[2014-03-13, 我建议求證之后, 分享出去, 让事实淹没谣言, (nswong)]

[2014-03-12, 君子爱财, 取之有道. 贞妇爱色, 纳之以礼.]

君子爱财, 取之有道.
贞妇爱色, 纳之以礼.

喜欢出名, 并没有错.
对或错, 是基于为了出名所做的事.
一个喜欢出名的人, 为了出名而做好事, 他是在做好事, 他的行为应该受到鼓励.
一个喜欢出名的人, 为了出名而做坏事, 他是在做坏事, 他的行为应该受到阻止.
他喜欢出名, 是他个人的选择, 对他所做事件的对错没有影响.

民航机在高空飞行时, 飞机师让乘客进入驾驶室, 会危害到飞机上所有人的生命安全, 飞机师的这行为是错的.
揭发飞机师让乘客进入驾驶室, 会减少这事件再发生的机会, 揭发人的这行为是对的.
民航机在高空飞行时, 乘客进入驾驶室, 乘客这行为是错的.

进入驾驶室的乘客, 揭发这事件.

乘客这么做, 是不是为了出名, 和乘客这么做的对错没有关系.

[2014-03-12, 君子爱财, 取之有道. 贞妇爱色, 纳之以礼.]

[2014-03-10, 警方應該捉造謠的人, 而不是找分享的人麻煩, 更好的做法是, 證明這只是謠言, (nswong)]

2014-03-09, 警方将会采取严厉行动, 对付过分散播有关 马航 MH370 失联客机 谣言的人士, (当今大马)

2014-03-10, 尽管内政部长阿末扎希昨天声称, 利用失窃护照登上马航MH370班机的两名乘客长得像亚洲人, 但是这种说法今天被民航局否定, (当今大马)

不分享 和 分享之後求證, 我選擇分享之後求證.
我不分享, 別人會分享.
我證明這是假的, 別人就不會繼續分享.

警方應該捉造謠的人, 而不是找分享的人麻煩.
更好的做法是, 證明這只是謠言.

[2014-03-10, 警方應該捉造謠的人, 而不是找分享的人麻煩, 更好的做法是, 證明這只是謠言, (nswong)]

[2014-03-06, Share on Facebook, 分享在臉書]

I not sure which one are better way to provide a link to share my webpage at Facebook.
我不确定那一個 鏈接 比較適合用來 分享 我的網頁 在 臉書.

Share on Facebook, 分享在臉書, Share on Facebook, 分享在臉書, Share on Facebook, 分享在臉書, Share on Facebook, 分享在臉書

 Share on Facebook, 分享在臉書 Share on Facebook, 分享在臉書, Share on Facebook, 分享在臉書, Share on Facebook, 分享在臉書

[2014-03-06, Share on Facebook, 分享在臉書]

[2014-01-27, 如果我不維持這個舊網站, 我會失去來自這個舊網站的點擊率]

"免費網站時常發生問題, 也许, 建立多一兩個相同内容的網站, 會有幫助?
這網站上不到, 可以上另一個網站."

你的意思是說, 這個網站不可靠, 就不要用, 對嗎?
如果我不維持這個舊網站, 我會失去來自這個舊網站的點擊率.


nswong 发表于 29-10-2010 18:10

以上的網址, 指向我在瓜子坊所發所有帖子裏, 最多人點閱的網頁内容.

人們知道這網址有一篇網頁, 人們來這網址看網頁内容.
人們知道這地址有一間店, 人們來這地址買東西.

移動網頁會造成網址改變, 人們來原本網址會找不到這網頁, 看不到網頁内容.
搬店會造成地址改變, 人們來原本地址會找不到這間店, 買不到東西.


原本網址的點閱不多的話, 可以移動網頁.
原本地址的生意不多的話, 可以搬店.

原本網址的點閱很多的話, 不可以移動網頁.
原本地址的生意很多的話, 不可以搬店.

[2014-01-27, 如果我不維持這個舊網站, 我會失去來自這個舊網站的點擊率]

[2013-09-20, 欲无后悔先修己, 各有前因莫羡人]

很多很有錢的人, 臨死時, 他們的孩子都不肯去見他們的最後一面.
如果希望老了, 孩子對你好, 孩子小時, 就要對他好.

[2013-09-20, 欲无后悔先修己, 各有前因莫羡人]

[2013-09-19, 你打算賣給誰, 你就要照著誰的要求來做]

如果以後你打算從事這行業, 你就要重視別人的看法.
別人的意見, 會幫你省下很多時間, 不會把時間花在沒有人要的東西上.
花了很多時間做出來的東西, 沒有人要, 很悲哀的... :'(


少數服從多數, 根據大多數人的看法而行, 在商場上是行不通的.

大多數人都非常滿意你的產品, 這大多數人不需要這種產品, 這大多數人不會向你買.
小部分人不滿意你的產品, 這小部分人需要這種產品, 這小部分人向別人買.
結果是, 沒有人向你買.

簡單來説, 你打算賣給誰, 你就要照著誰的要求來做.
如果你不打算賣給對方, 你不需要理睬對方的要求.

比如説, 你打算賣給自己(自己用), 別人說什麽, 你都不需要理睬.

我喜歡潛水看魚蝦, 所以我選擇建立 天然泳池/生態泳池(Natural swimming pool).

[2013-09-19, 你打算賣給誰, 你就要照著誰的要求來做]

[2013-07-15, 专业文凭]


For that person him/her self are useful, not for other people.

Just like knowledge:
For that person him/her self are useful, not for other people.

If put it at proper use, 专业文凭 and knowledge can help a person life a lot easier.
If someone said 专业文凭 and knowledge are useless, just mean that person don't know how to put 专业文凭 and knowledge to proper use only.


You can use your knowledge to guide them have better life.
Like I try to use my knowledge to help you.

Teach them fishing, is better than give them fish.

是, 我的確時常說: 文憑對我來説不重要.

當你空手和敵人對抗時, 能不能擁有一把小刀是不是對你很重要?
但是, 當你用機關槍和敵人對抗時, 能不能擁有一把小刀對你重要嗎?

對我來説, 我的文憑像小刀, 我的工作經驗像機關槍.


[2013-07-15, 专业文凭]

[2013-06-24, Good relationship]

"Why before no moody also the same."

Not moody just one of the factor to build good relationship with other.

Different species of plant, need different way to take care of.
Different people, need different way to take care of too.

Some people good at take care of some species of plant, but not other species of plant.
Some people good at take care of some kind of people, but not other kind of people.

[2013-06-24, Good relationship]

[2013-04-08, 认知 与 选择]

世上的每一个人, 对事物的认知, 和其他人相比, 都有或多或少的差异.
价值观念不同, 做出的选择也不同.
只要没有侵犯到别人, 每个人都应该有选择的自由.

[2013-04-08, 认知 与 选择]

[2012-11-06, 货不对办]

You know this after the flowering?
For hybrid 实生苗, buyer have to take the risk.
For 实生苗, photo are showing you the best you can get.
But, not mean you sure will get that.


May be, he buy in 1000 plant.
After flowering, he cheap sell 900
The 100 good one he keep for selling high price
So, you see he got 100 of good one.
But, he do making lost on those not good one.

"His attitude make me angry"

May be, your attitude make him angry too?

"Buy a lot
What it's the problem exchange 2-3 good one?"

Nice word will make you happy.
Just talk nice word, say the other guy are bad guy.
This is most of your friends will do.
But, this will not help you to solve the problem.
Actually, will make you do wrong decision, making the situation worse.

I don't know who are him.
But, I thinks this is what he think.
He buy a batch of 马票.
He sell you some.
Some of the 马票 he buy do strike.
All you buy strike none.
You ask he change 2 or 3 of 马票 that strike to you, will he want to change?
Buying hybrid 实生苗, just like buying 马票, betting on luck.
You see, sometime nursery selling flowering plant, RM5.00 each?
Those are good example of nursery betting on 实生苗.

"But he never mention"

May be, he suppose you should know.

Never put notice"

Do him mention these is 实生苗?

No mention at all"

If he don't mention these is 实生苗, the flower not like photo, you do can blame him.

If he mention, I not angry
He know that I very angry"

You should stress this.
He do not mention these are 实生苗.
Nothing else.
Don't say you very angry.
You angry, not mean you are right.
If you stress: He do not mention these are 实生苗
From the start on.
He may already give ways.
And settle with you privately.

"Ask someone good at PR, and know you both, make peace between you two, are better way."

This what I suggested.

I bet with you.
He will tell other, you pay the price for 实生苗.
What do you expect?
Everyone will thinks he is at right side.
If people got bad impression on you, you will loss a lot of business opportunity.

You need to let people know.
You chose from photo.
The flowering not like photo.
And he never tell you that is 实生苗.

"And he never tell you that is 实生苗."

This is the point to stress.

If you quarrel in the group, it's the admins duty to ask you stop.
If you not stop, admins will kick you out.

"He never admit he do wrong"

You see, he may not think he is wrong.

"You pay the price for 实生苗.
What do you expect?"

This is what he thinks. "And he never tell you that is 实生苗."

This is the point to stress.
He look at this, he may feel he also got mistake.

团购 quite easy to have 货不对版 problem.
If 货不对版, you in big trouble.
Why not get it from local people?


[2012-11-06, 货不对办]

{Article, 文章, nswong_facebook.htm, 2015-03-07, nswong facebook, nswong 臉書}

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