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2004-09-26 nswong:
 I suggest we do 燒討 at those towns guard by 智力低 武將, because those 智力低武將 can do not much for 農業/商業/技術 開發.
旗揚: 流浪武將舉旗起義 在無人控制的領地建立 新國家成為新君主.
黃巾賊暴動: 有可能導致某些城市形 成無人控管,防治方法 要有武將守備而且不得 有城市屬性數值為0
燒討: 對當地都市進行燒討, 降低農業,商業跟技術 力為主.
建業: 農業 0/1200 商業 0/1200 誰還 不都一樣 智力 17.

2004-09-26 nswong:
I notice 晨嵐 join the other side, if this is due to I'm not able to
assign post to him at last country, I think I know what he feel. Both
me and 燕十三 felt the same before. This is why I prefer next game we got
a lot of countries, each country with about 12 guys, so each one can
have post. And we help each other to fight with NPC.
For now I suggest go by first come first serve, if two guys need the
same post by same time, who request it first who will get it. But it
also should follow the sequency of:
Someone going to attack > Someone guard at front end > Someone at
front end.

2004-09-25 nswong:
Another advantage. :-)
<Do you notice the system 更新時間 at the login screen? I will create my
character just 3 minutes after the refresh(更新), I do suggest other
create your character within 3 minutes after the refresh, so I can
pull anyone of you after you take over a country.>
<One of the advantage was 戰鬥解除 are using the system 更新時間, if your 更新時間
are just after system 更新時間, you can attacks other before they attacks

2004-09-25 w-inds: 陳倉那似乎是無人 國 等72回合一過馬上建國 還有機會.
我自己的更新時間跟網 頁更新間差太遠要派網 頁更新後的1.2分鐘內更新 的人去 揚旗

2004-09-23 nswong:  合淝: 雌雄一對劍 金 錢 203408 20 953 15417 象兵, 孫子兵法 金錢
181322 18 783 13521 神鬼兵

2004-09-22 nswong:  神龍兵 南皮: 兵法 二十四編 金錢 233512 23 999 16924, 神龍劍 金錢
220276 22 1003 15802. 當商業值至11 00時,買武器以及書 籍再打6折: , 兵法二十四 編 金錢 140107 , 神龍劍
金錢 132165

2004-09-22 nswong:  遣散士兵 now, start 徵兵 at 戰鬥解除還剩下20回 please. Thanks!

2004-09-21 nswong: Hi國的nswong把王位讓位 給劉雲德 <= Yes, because 劉雲德 pass back
to me before I'm
back from work.

2004-09-21 一切都是幻影:  登用 人物欄找不到你的大名 說 nswong 是因為君主的關係嗎? *.*

2004-09-21 nswong: Kenji, If you really want, you can wait at 平原, set
to all 揚旗 starting at 帥哥 國 戰鬥 解除, you may got chance to do it. But I
suggest you recruit full 雜兵 to 遣散士兵 at your new country.

2004-09-21 nswong: I don't think you can find one, we do it by totally
distroy a town.

2004-09-21 Kenji: No... I want to try again, would you provide me
information ?

2004-09-21 nswong:
Don't need 兵, but beware of 民忠, 勞力士 fail at 渤海 by the time 民忠 are 50.
無人狀態 mean the control country don't have people here, if they are
here, will fail even they don't guard wall.
旗揚:  流浪武將舉旗起義在無 人控制的領地建立新國 家成為新君主,或是該 都市處於無人狀態需要 資金以及糧米5000才可進行 旗揚,
旗揚的成功機率跟該都 市的民忠有關非玩家控 制的國家無法實行,只 適用於玩家的國家.

2004-09-21 Kenji: 揚旗我還沒試過 需要 帶兵嗎?

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