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{05111301.htm, 2005-11-13, 玩家流失}

{Article, 文章, 05111301.htm, 2005-11-13, 玩家流失}, (nswong, 05111301.htm)

2005-10-25 飛翔夢~*:
附註:能測試新的功能 是蠻不錯的,
這代表遊戲的功能越來 越多,也越來越有趣味。
不過玩家流失問題我覺 得變多了,
尤其是這次版本又命名 為測試版,
光是名字就讓人不是很 提的起勁@@"
尤其是NPC打到最後,連我 當君主都覺得很無力,
建議上是如此啦,當功 能都測試好了以後,
就把NPC調成閒置狀態= =a
剛好可以加速結束這一 局,結束後,
又剛好可以新開一局完 全新的= ="..
(PS.這局 管大忙修BUG,玩家 狂被BUG虐待@@".. 真想早點結 束他QQ")

2005-10-25 nobu:
玩家的流失是玩家的自 決跟
維持遊戲的穩定性及內 容性不會有所衝突
玩家本來就是可以選擇 想玩什麼或需要什麼的 權利~

2005-10-25 nswong:
Hi nobu,
Nice words don't help, and true words hurt. I hope I donot offend you.
I suggest don't ever make change on the copy that players are playing.
When a new version are implemented, keep a copy of previous working version on web server. If the new version got problem, fallback to the previous working version.
In index.cgi, it point to a working version installed at 2005-08-25 in directory 20050825.
You install a new version to a new directoy 20051025, change index.cgi and point it to this new directory.
Restart game.
Reinitialize data in directory 20050825.
If this new version got problem, change index.cgi and point it back to the directory 20050825.
Restart game again.
You may think this will slow down the game development, but in this way users(players) are more happy and you have less stress.

2005-10-25 nobu:
to nswong:
基本上我有做版本號碼 控制~~

2005-10-25 巫女麻知:
玩家流失:這是他們的 決定,無須介意
製作程式遊戲本來就是 一個艱苦的過程
開放遊戲讓玩家幫忙測 試也是為了遊戲的娛樂性
測試、更新當中的遊戲 本來就出現BUG
那些人大可以等到完成 後再玩或是不完
幫忙測試的玩家們與進 行程式設計的管理者
辛苦了/(_ _)\

2005-10-25 nswong:
Hi 巫女麻知,
> 玩家流失:這是他們的 決定,無須介意
I believe the effect of effort put in should be maximize. It's no point to develop a software that no one are using it. Even not for money.
I write small programs in Assambly(hardware diagnostic, data recovery, virus cleaning) when I was a computer repairing technician. Even I don't sell my program for money, but do *REALLY* happy by the time I know my program spread from Malaysia to Singapore. This prove my work got value, I'm pround for this.
> 測試、更新當中的遊戲 本來就出現BUG
Bug are unavoidable, but the damage cause by bug can minimize.
If a copy of latest working version are keep on web server, it will take GM few minutes instead of days to restart the game. This will reduce the down time of this game. The damage cause by bug and down time are far greater than delay of launching new version. This will also greatly reduce the stress on supporting/maintaining people, in this case, the GM.
If we let those players who just want to play game play at the working version, those who help to test will feel more self achievement, either due to their contribution or they perform/play better than other players in the game.
Another suggestion are, install new version on the web server before current game are ended, so new game can start at convenient time of next day after the game ended, instead of let players wait there for few days.
Hi nobu,
> 基本上我有做版本號碼 控制~~
I'm not refer to source code version control(on your PC), I'm refer to the production version control(on the web server).

2005-10-25 巫女麻知:
不好意思,我英文很差 ...看不太懂...
(連當三學期的英文...已經 沒救了)

2005-10-26 nswong:
Hi 巫女麻知,
不好意思,to input in Chinese Pinyin, I have to find the Pinyin in Chinese dictionary, this mean 2 to 3 words per minutes of input speed, I give up. :-(

2005-10-26 流水香茗:
(原文by nswong)
> 玩家流失:這是他們的 決定,無須介意
我認為(管方)有必要(在這 方面)做最大限度的努力 。(畢竟)就算非為營利, 編寫沒人使用的程式仍 然並沒有什麼意義。
以前我是一個電腦維修 員的時候,我曾寫過一 些Assambly(硬體檢測、資料還 原、病毒掃除)的小程式 (譯者是電腦白痴,不太 清楚這樣翻對了沒)。雖 然我沒有賣這些程式來 賺錢,當我知道它們已 由馬來西亞流傳到新加 坡時我仍然感到「非常 」高興。(因為)這證明了 我的努力是有價值的, 而我為此感到驕傲。
> 測試、更新當中的遊戲 本來就出現BUG
臭蟲的存在是無可避免 的,但應該將其造成的 損害降到最低。
如果有在伺服器上對最 新的版本做備份的話, 遊戲管理員應該只需要 幾分鐘就能重新啟動遊 戲,而不必花上好幾天 。而這將減少遊戲停擺 的時間。(到底)臭蟲和停 擺所造成的損害遠比新 版本延遲推出要來得大 。這樣一來也能大大減 低維修人員(在我們討論 的範疇下即遊戲管理員) 所要面對的壓力。
如果我們讓只是想要玩 的玩家玩舊有的版本, 有心做測試的人將會更 因他們的貢獻或者遊戲 成就的提升感到有成就 感。
另外建議:如果在舊局 結束以前就將新的版本 上傳的話,將有便新局 於隔日啟動,而不需要 讓玩家必須等上數日。
不好意思,如果要用拼 音輸入的話,我必須先 翻字典找出每個字的拼 音方式。也就是說,一 分鐘只能輸入兩到三個 字。所以我放棄了。:-(

{Article, 文章, 05111301.htm, 2005-11-13, 玩家流失}

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