, nswong personal website, nswong 個人網站, nswong, (Google webpage search, 谷歌網頁搜索), nswong, (Google image search, 谷歌圖片搜索), Welcome to reprint, 歡迎轉載

{05102501.htm, 2005-10-25, Goal try to achieve in n_s_wong personal website}, 05102501.htm, (Google webpage search, 谷歌網頁搜索), Share on Facebook, 分享在臉書, Unclassified, 未分類

{05102501.htm, 2005-10-25, Goal try to achieve in n_s_wong personal website}

{Article, 文章, 05102501.htm, 2005-10-25, Goal try to achieve in n_s_wong personal website}, (nswong, 05102501.htm)

1. Provide as an online backup of my personal notes that can access from anywhere.
2. Save people time to compile/find the same information when their need are same as me.
3. Put as little time as possible on website maintenance.
4. Find the relevant information as fast as possible.

1. Provide as an online backup of my personal notes that can access from anywhere.

It should work on all type of Browser available on market without any special configuration on Browser. Mobile browser will be supported when the time I need to browse through hand phone.

In case I may lost my local copy, the program I write for webpage(HTML) generation should can do two way engineering. This mean the program can read from HTML document and generate the original XML file. From XML file generate TXT file that are easy to manipulate by those utility program and editor.

2. Save people time to compile/find the same information when their need are same as me.

I will try not to remove those information no longer needed by me, incase someone else still need it. This will also help to avoid deadlink. I don't like the feeling of the links I collected no longer work when I need to refer to that webpage.

3. Put as little time as possible for website maintenance.

Recursive links in HTML document have to avoid to make program easier to write.

4. Find the relevant information as fast as possible.

The content/data have to separate from links/indexs, so information can access though the way that is more convenient.

e.g., index files that sort links to content files by date, by description...

Program have to genarate the content files for different views base on same set of data. e.g. Malaysia flora, Flora(Chinese name synonym)...

BTW: I donot put this website to high priority, so will update only when I feel like to do it. ;-p

{Article, 文章, 05102501.htm, 2005-10-25, Goal try to achieve in n_s_wong personal website}

valid-html401.gif, 2010-09-01, Valid HTML 4.01 Strict, 2010-09-01, Validate this web page with HTML 4.01 strict.dtd

vcss.gif, 2010-09-01, Valid CSS!, 2010-09-01, Validate this web page with W3C CSS Validator, 2010-09-01, W3C Markup Validation Service
A free service that checks Web documents in formats like HTML and XHTML for conformance to W3C Recommendations and other standards.